word |
sentence |
estimate |
Provide an estimate now. |
estimated |
Costs were estimated. |
estimates |
He estimates the price. |
estimating |
She is estimating costs. |
estimation |
His estimation was correct. |
estimations |
Different estimations vary. |
over-estimate |
Don’t over-estimate expenses. |
overestimate |
He overestimates risks. |
overestimated |
The time was overestimated. |
overestimates |
She overestimates easily. |
overestimating |
They are overestimating. |
underestimate |
Don’t underestimate them. |
underestimated |
He underestimated the costs. |
underestimates |
She underestimates needs. |
underestimating |
Stop underestimating threats. |
all academic word list sentence examples |